Friday, April 30, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল আহক্বফ || Surah Al Ahqaf || سورة الاحقاف

Al-Ahqaf (Arabic: الأحقاف‎, al-aḥqāf; meaning: \"the sand dunes\" or \"the winding sand tracts\") is the 46th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 35 verses (ayat). This is the seventh and last chapter starting with the Muqattaʿat letters Hāʼ Mīm. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is one of the late Meccan chapters, except for verse 10 and possibly a few others which Muslims believe were revealed in Medina. The chapter covers various topics: It warns against those who reject the Quran, and reassures those who believe; it instructs Muslims to be virtuous towards their parents; it tells of the Prophet Hud and the punishment that befell his people, and it advises Muhammad to be patient in delivering his message of Islam. A passage in chapter 15, which talks about a child\'s gestation and weaning, became the basis by which some Islamic jurists determined that the minimum threshold of fetal viability in Islamic law wo

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল আহক্বফ || Surah Al Ahqaf || سورة الاحقاف

Al-Ahqaf (Arabic: الأحقاف‎, al-aḥqāf; meaning: \"the sand dunes\" or \"the winding sand tracts\") is the 46th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 35 verses (ayat). This is the seventh and last chapter starting with the Muqattaʿat letters Hāʼ Mīm. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is one of the late Meccan chapters, except for verse 10 and possibly a few others which Muslims believe were revealed in Medina. The chapter covers various topics: It warns against those who reject the Quran, and reassures those who believe; it instructs Muslims to be virtuous towards their parents; it tells of the Prophet Hud and the punishment that befell his people, and it advises Muhammad to be patient in delivering his message of Islam. A passage in chapter 15, which talks about a child\'s gestation and weaning, became the basis by which some Islamic jurists determined that the minimum threshold of fetal viability in Islamic law wo

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ মুহাম্মাদ সঃ || Surah Muhammad SM || سورة محمد صلى

Muhammad (Arabic: محمد‎, muḥammad; \"Chapter of Muhammad\") is the 47th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 38 verses (ayat). The title is derived from the direct mentioning of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 47:2.[1] It also has the name of Al-Qiṫāl (Arabic: القتال‎), which translates to fighting due to the context of the sura.[2] This sura pertains to a specific conflict that arose from people prohibiting the acceptance and spread of Islam. It refers to the Battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered to attack Medina. The Battle of Badr took place during Ramadan, in year 2 of the Islamic calendar.[2] Summary 1 The works of those who oppose Islam shall come to naught 2-3 True believers shall receive the expiation of their sins 4-5 How enemies of Islam are to be treated in war 6-8 God will reward those who fight for Islam 9-12 God will utterly destroy the unbelievers 13-17 The final condition of believers and infidels contrasted 18-20 Hypocrites reproved and warne

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ মুহাম্মাদ সঃ || Surah Muhammad SM || سورة محمد صلى

Muhammad (Arabic: محمد‎, muḥammad; \"Chapter of Muhammad\") is the 47th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 38 verses (ayat). The title is derived from the direct mentioning of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 47:2.[1] It also has the name of Al-Qiṫāl (Arabic: القتال‎), which translates to fighting due to the context of the sura.[2] This sura pertains to a specific conflict that arose from people prohibiting the acceptance and spread of Islam. It refers to the Battle of Badr, where an army was being gathered to attack Medina. The Battle of Badr took place during Ramadan, in year 2 of the Islamic calendar.[2] Summary 1 The works of those who oppose Islam shall come to naught 2-3 True believers shall receive the expiation of their sins 4-5 How enemies of Islam are to be treated in war 6-8 God will reward those who fight for Islam 9-12 God will utterly destroy the unbelievers 13-17 The final condition of believers and infidels contrasted 18-20 Hypocrites reproved and warne

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল জাসিয়াহ || Surah Al-Jathiya || سورة الجاثية

The Kneeling,[1] (Arabic: الجاثية‎, al-jāthiyah; meaning: \"Upon Their Knees\",[2] \"Crouching\") is the 45th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 37 verses (ayat). It is a Meccan chapter, revealed according to the Islamic tradition during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. This is one of the seven chapters in the Qur\'an that start with the Muqattaʿat Hāʼ Mīm. It contains discussions of \"signs of God\" for humankind to reflect on, and describes punishments for those who deny God despite the signs. It also contains the only Quranic verse mentioning sharia, a term which Muslims later use to refer to the Islamic law. Contents 1 Revelation history 2 Content 3 Names 4 References 4.1 Citations 4.2 Bibliography 5 External links Revelation history According to the Islamic tradition, Al-Jathiya is a Meccan sura, that is, a chapter revealed during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. Some Islamic scholars, however, believed that the verse 14—unlike the rest of the chap

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল জাসিয়াহ || Surah Al-Jathiya || سورة الجاثية

The Kneeling,[1] (Arabic: الجاثية‎, al-jāthiyah; meaning: \"Upon Their Knees\",[2] \"Crouching\") is the 45th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 37 verses (ayat). It is a Meccan chapter, revealed according to the Islamic tradition during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. This is one of the seven chapters in the Qur\'an that start with the Muqattaʿat Hāʼ Mīm. It contains discussions of \"signs of God\" for humankind to reflect on, and describes punishments for those who deny God despite the signs. It also contains the only Quranic verse mentioning sharia, a term which Muslims later use to refer to the Islamic law. Contents 1 Revelation history 2 Content 3 Names 4 References 4.1 Citations 4.2 Bibliography 5 External links Revelation history According to the Islamic tradition, Al-Jathiya is a Meccan sura, that is, a chapter revealed during the Meccan phase of Muhammad\'s prophethood. Some Islamic scholars, however, believed that the verse 14—unlike the rest of the chap

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ ক্বফ || Surah Qaf || سورة ق

Qaf (Arabic: ق‎, the letter qāf, is the 50th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 45 verses (āyāt). The name is taken from the single discrete Quranic \"mysterious letter\" qāf that opens the chapter. It is the beginning of the Hizb al-Mufassal, the seventh and the last portion (manzil). Contents 1 Summary 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Summary 1 K.[1] The letter qāf [2] 2-4 The unbelievers wonder at the doctrine of the resurrection 5-6 This wonder due to their unbelief 7-12 God’s works a proof of his power to raise the dead 13-14 The Quraish warned by the fate of other nations who rejected their prophets 15 God not so exhausted by the creation that he cannot raise the dead [3] 16 God nearer man than his jugular vein [4] [3] 16-17 Angels record all human thoughts and actions 18-20 Death and judgment shall overtake all men 21-22 The testimony of the two angels shall condemn the unbelievers 23-25 God shall cast the wicked into hell 26-28 The devils shall disclaim the i

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ ক্বফ || Surah Qaf || سورة ق

Qaf (Arabic: ق‎, the letter qāf, is the 50th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 45 verses (āyāt). The name is taken from the single discrete Quranic \"mysterious letter\" qāf that opens the chapter. It is the beginning of the Hizb al-Mufassal, the seventh and the last portion (manzil). Contents 1 Summary 2 See also 3 References 4 External links Summary 1 K.[1] The letter qāf [2] 2-4 The unbelievers wonder at the doctrine of the resurrection 5-6 This wonder due to their unbelief 7-12 God’s works a proof of his power to raise the dead 13-14 The Quraish warned by the fate of other nations who rejected their prophets 15 God not so exhausted by the creation that he cannot raise the dead [3] 16 God nearer man than his jugular vein [4] [3] 16-17 Angels record all human thoughts and actions 18-20 Death and judgment shall overtake all men 21-22 The testimony of the two angels shall condemn the unbelievers 23-25 God shall cast the wicked into hell 26-28 The devils shall disclaim the i

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল ফাতাহ || Surah Al-Fath || سورة الفتح

Al-Fath (Arabic: الفتح‎, al-fatḥ; meaning: \"Victory\" , \"Triumph\") is the 48th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 29 verses (ayat). The surah was revealed in Madinah in the sixth year of the Hijrah, on the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between the Muslim-city-state of Madinah and Makkan polytheists. It mentions this victory, then criticizes the attitudes of the hypocrites, continues with further promises to the Muslims, and ends by mentioning certain important virtues of the Muslim community.[1] The chapter gets its name from the opening verse, which states \"Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph...\" in direct reference to the Treaty which was signed through cooperation between the opposing forces and without bloodshed. The reason this treaty, and therefore chapter, is called a \"clear triumph\" is largely believed to be because of its peaceful nature. Contents 1 Summary 1.1 10 The Soul 1.2 16 Predictions 1.3 18-19 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 1.4 27 The first pilgrimage

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল ফাতাহ || Surah Al-Fath || سورة الفتح

Al-Fath (Arabic: الفتح‎, al-fatḥ; meaning: \"Victory\" , \"Triumph\") is the 48th chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 29 verses (ayat). The surah was revealed in Madinah in the sixth year of the Hijrah, on the occasion of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah between the Muslim-city-state of Madinah and Makkan polytheists. It mentions this victory, then criticizes the attitudes of the hypocrites, continues with further promises to the Muslims, and ends by mentioning certain important virtues of the Muslim community.[1] The chapter gets its name from the opening verse, which states \"Indeed, We have granted you a clear triumph...\" in direct reference to the Treaty which was signed through cooperation between the opposing forces and without bloodshed. The reason this treaty, and therefore chapter, is called a \"clear triumph\" is largely believed to be because of its peaceful nature. Contents 1 Summary 1.1 10 The Soul 1.2 16 Predictions 1.3 18-19 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah 1.4 27 The first pilgrimage

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুজ জারিয়াত || Surah Adh-Dhariyat || سورة الذاريات

Adh-Dhariyat (Arabic: الذاريات‎, adh-dhāriyāt; meaning: The Winnowing Winds) is the 51st chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 60 verses (ayat). It mentions Abraham, Noah, the day of judgment and otherwise reiterates the essential Quranic message. According to Neuwirth\'s literary analysis,[1] as related through Ernst,[2] sura 51, like many early Meccan suras, consists of a tripartite structure: I, 1– 23; II, 24– 46; III, 47– 60. These three sections are corroborated in a 2016 translation, The Clear Quran, which breaks the entire Quran into smaller thematic sections, can be further broken down as follows: Rider oaths (9 verses) and end-times with double portraits (14 verses), including four thematic sections in the Clear Quran entitled, \"Judgement is inevitable,\" \"Warning to the Deniers,\" \"Good News for the Devout,\" and \"God\'s Signs in creation.\"[3] The discourse of guests of Abraham (14 verses) and four other prophets (9 verses), including six thematic sections in the

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুজ জারিয়াত || Surah Adh-Dhariyat || سورة الذاريات

Adh-Dhariyat (Arabic: الذاريات‎, adh-dhāriyāt; meaning: The Winnowing Winds) is the 51st chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 60 verses (ayat). It mentions Abraham, Noah, the day of judgment and otherwise reiterates the essential Quranic message. According to Neuwirth\'s literary analysis,[1] as related through Ernst,[2] sura 51, like many early Meccan suras, consists of a tripartite structure: I, 1– 23; II, 24– 46; III, 47– 60. These three sections are corroborated in a 2016 translation, The Clear Quran, which breaks the entire Quran into smaller thematic sections, can be further broken down as follows: Rider oaths (9 verses) and end-times with double portraits (14 verses), including four thematic sections in the Clear Quran entitled, \"Judgement is inevitable,\" \"Warning to the Deniers,\" \"Good News for the Devout,\" and \"God\'s Signs in creation.\"[3] The discourse of guests of Abraham (14 verses) and four other prophets (9 verses), including six thematic sections in the

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল হুজুরত || Surah Al-Hujurat || سورة الحجرات

Al-Hujurat (Arabic: الحجرات‎, al-ḥujurāt meaning: The Chambers) is the 49th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 18 verses (āyāt). The chapter contains etiquette and norms to be observed in the Muslim community, including the proper conduct towards the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, an injunction against acting on news without verification, a call for peace and reconciliation, as well injunctions against defamation, suspicion, and backbiting. The chapter also declares a universal brotherhood among Muslims. The thirteenth verse, one of the most famous in the Quran, is understood by Muslim scholars to establish equality with regards to race and origin; only God can determine one\'s nobility based on his piety. The chapter is a Medinan sura, revealed in the year 9 AH (630 CE) when the nascent Islamic state under the leadership of Muhammad had extended to most of Arabia. Muslim historians linked some of the verses (either verses 2–5 or just 4–5) to the conduct of a Banu Tamim de

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল হুজুরত || Surah Al-Hujurat || سورة الحجرات

Al-Hujurat (Arabic: الحجرات‎, al-ḥujurāt meaning: The Chambers) is the 49th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 18 verses (āyāt). The chapter contains etiquette and norms to be observed in the Muslim community, including the proper conduct towards the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, an injunction against acting on news without verification, a call for peace and reconciliation, as well injunctions against defamation, suspicion, and backbiting. The chapter also declares a universal brotherhood among Muslims. The thirteenth verse, one of the most famous in the Quran, is understood by Muslim scholars to establish equality with regards to race and origin; only God can determine one\'s nobility based on his piety. The chapter is a Medinan sura, revealed in the year 9 AH (630 CE) when the nascent Islamic state under the leadership of Muhammad had extended to most of Arabia. Muslim historians linked some of the verses (either verses 2–5 or just 4–5) to the conduct of a Banu Tamim de

Thursday, April 29, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ মু'মিন || Surah Mu'min || سورة مؤمن

Al-Mu’minun (Arabic: المؤمنون‎, ’al-mu’minūn; meaning: \"The Believers\") is the 23rd chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 118 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina.[1] This surah deals with the fundamentals of faith (Aqidah), Tawheed (Islamic monotheism), Risalah (Messengership), Resurrection and the supreme Judgement of God. The surah drives these themes home by drawing attention to God\'s creation of man through different stages in the mother\'s womb, His creation of the heavens and the earth, His sending down rains and growing plants, trees and fruits, and His providing of domestic animals with various benefits for man, all together with an emphasis on the fact that man shall die and shall be raised up on the Day of Resurrection. (See also: Islamic eschatology) The theme of Risal

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ হা-মী-ম সাজদাহ || Surah Ha-Meem Sajdah || سورة حم السجدة

Fuṣṣilat (Arabic: فصلت‎, fuṣṣilat [1] \"are distinctly explained\" or \"explained in detail\"), also known as Sūrat Ḥā Mīm as-Sajdah (Arabic: سورة ﺣﻢ ﺍﻟﺴﺠﺪﺓ‎),[2] is the 41st chapter (surah) of the Qur\'an with 54 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Q41:12 Revelation 3 References 4 External links Summary 1-3 The Quran declared to be given by inspiration 3-4 The people generally reject it 5 Muhammad only a man, yet a prophet 6-7 The woe of the wicked and the blessedness of the righteous 8-11 God’s power manifested in the creation of earth and heaven 12-16 The Quraish are threatened with the fate of Ád and Thamúd 17 Believers among the Ádites and Thamúdites were saved 18-22 In the judgment the unbelievers shall be condemned by the

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুশ শুরা || Suratus Shura || سورة الشرى

Ash-Shūrā (Arabic: الشورى‎, al shūrā, \"Council, Consultation\") is the 42nd chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an (Q42) with 53 verses (āyāt). Its title derives from the question of \"shūrā\" (consultation) referred to in Verse 38. The term appears only once in the Quranic text (at Q42:38). It has no pre-Quranic antecedent.[1] Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it has been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Q42:23 Verse of affection 3 Q42:51 Revelation in Islam 4 References 5 External links Summary 1-2 The Almighty reveals his will to Muhammad 3 Angels intercede with God on behalf of sinful man 4 Muhammad not a steward over the idolaters 5 The Quran revealed in the Arabic language to warn Makkah 6-10 God the only helper, creator, and preserver, the all-knowing 11-13 Islam the religion of all the former prophets 14 Muhammad commanded to declare his fai

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ যুখরুফ || Surah Zukhruf || سورة الزخرف

Az-Zukhruf[1] (Arabic: الزخرف‎, \"Ornaments of Gold, Luxury\") is the 43rd chapter (surah), of the Quran, the central religious text of Islam. It contains 89 verses (ayat). Ornaments of Gold, or Surat Az-Zukhruf, is the 43rd surah of the Quran containing a total of 89 verses. Named after the golden ornaments recognized in verse 35 and again in verse 53, this surah dates back to the Second Meccan Period before the Prophet Muhammad’s migration to Medina. According to the Nöldeke Chronology of surahs, the Ornaments of Gold was the 61st surah revealed.[2] The Standard Egyptian chronology, however, acknowledges this as the 63rd surah revealed.[3] Regardless of the exact position in which this surah was revealed, it is clear that the surah was revealed during the Second Meccan Period, a time in which Muhammad and his followers were increasingly subject to opposition from the Quraysh tribe. Consistent with all of the surahs of the Quran, Ornaments of Gold begins with the Bismillah,

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুজ জুমার || Suratuz Zumar || سورة الزمر

Az-Zumar (Arabic: الزمر‎, ’az-zumar; meaning: \"The Troops, The Throngs\") is the 39th chapter (surah), of the Qur\'an, the central religious text of Islam. It contains 75 verses (ayat). This surah derives its name from the Arabic word zumar (troops) that occurs in verses 71 and 73. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is believed to have been revealed in the mid-Maccan period[1] when persecutions of the Muslim believers by the polytheists had escalated.[1] Contents 1 Summary 2 Content 3 Exegesis (tafsir) 3.1 Q9:5 He wraps the night over the day 4 References 5 External links Summary 1-2 The Quran a revelation from God to Muhammad 2-3 Muhammad to exhibit a pure religion to God 4-5 God will not show favour to idolaters 6 God Hath not chosen to have a son 7-8 God manifest in His works of creation and providence 9-10 God is Sovereign in His dealings with men 11 The ingratitude of idolaters 12 The righteous and wicked not equal befo

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুস সফফাত || Suratus Saffat || سورة الصافات

As-Saffat (Arabic: الصافات‎, ’aṣ-ṣāffāt, meaning: Those who rank themselves in Order,[1] \"Ranged in Row\", \"The Rangers\") is the 37th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 182 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Chronology 3 Structure and content 3.1 37:1-74 Eschatological prophecy 3.2 37:75-148 Earlier messengers of God 3.3 149-182 Day of Judgment 4 References 5 External links Summary Jonas and the giant fish in the Jami\' al-tawarikh 1-5 The Prophet swears that God is one 6-10 The devils not permitted to hear the discourse of heaven 11-12 The audacity of the Makkan infidels 13-15 They scoff at the Quran as the product of sorcery 16-17 They reject the doctrine of the resurrection 18-21 The despair of the infidels on the judgment-day 22-24 Idolaters and their idols

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ সোয়াদ || Surah Swad || سورة ص

Sad (Arabic: ص‎, Ṣād; \"The Letter Sad\") is the 38th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 88 verses (āyāt) and 1 sajdah ۩ (38:24). Sad (ص) is the name of the eighteenth letter in the Arabic alphabet.[1] According to the traditional Islamic narrative, Saad was sent to Muhammad by Allah while he was coping with rejection from his tribe, the Quraysh. It recounts stories of previous prophets, describes the splendors of heaven, and warns of the monstrosities of hell. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. The sura dates to the 2nd Meccan Period, meaning it was revealed only five or six years into the development of Islam. Contents 1 Summary 2 Historical context 3 General divisions of sura 38 3.1 1-11 comments made by nonbelievers 3.2 12-64 Transition to the Day of Judgment and hell 3.2.1 17 Patience 3.2.2 1

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ ইয়াসিন || Surah Yasin || سورة يس

Yā Sīn[1] (also Yaseen; Arabic: يٰسٓ‎, yāsīn; the letters \'Yāʼ\' and \'Sīn\') is the 36th sūrah of the Quran. It has 83 verses (āyāt). It is regarded an earlier \"Meccan surah\". Some scholars maintain that verse 12 is from the Medinan period.[2] While the surah begins in Juz 22, most of it is in Juz 23. The surah begins with the eponymous (muqatta\'at) Arabic letters: يس (yā sīn).[3] The meaning of the letters Ya Sin, while being primarily unknown, is debated amongst Muslim religious academics. One of the interpretations is \"O human being!\" referring to Muhammad since the verses that follow are translated as \"By the Qur´an, full of Wisdom, Thou art indeed one of the messengers\".[4] Tafsir al-Jalalayn, a Sunni beginners exegesis (tafsir), concludes, \"God knows best what He means by these [letters].\"[5] The surah focuses on establishing the Qur\'an as a divine source, and it warns of the fate of those who mock God\'s revelations and are stubborn. The surah tells of the pu

চার্লি চ্যাপলিন || মজার দৃশ্য || Charly Chaplin || Funny Scene

Biography 1889–1913: Early years Background and childhood hardship Seven-year-old Chaplin (middle centre, leaning slightly) at the Central London District School for paupers, 1897 Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889 to Hannah Chaplin (born Hannah Harriet Pedlingham Hill) and Charles Chaplin Sr. There is no official record of his birth, although Chaplin believed he was born at East Street, Walworth, in South London.[1][a] His parents had married four years previously, at which time Charles Sr. became the legal guardian of Hannah\'s illegitimate son, Sydney John Hill.[5][b] At the time of his birth, Chaplin\'s parents were both music hall entertainers. Hannah, the daughter of a shoemaker,[6] had a brief and unsuccessful career under the stage name Lily Harley,[7] while Charles Sr., a butcher\'s son,[8] was a popular singer.[9] Although they never divorced, Chaplin\'s parents were estranged by around 1891.[10] The following year, Hannah gave birth to a third son, George Wheel

চার্লি চ্যাপলিন || মজার দৃশ্য || Charly Chaplin || 2 Funny Scene

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, The Tramp, and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian era until a year before his death in 1977, and encompassed both adulation and controversy. Chaplin\'s childhood in London was one of poverty and hardship, as his father was absent and his mother struggled financially, and he was sent to a workhouse twice before the age of nine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to a mental asylum. Chaplin began performing at an early age, touring music halls and later working as a stage actor and comedian. At 19, he was signed to the prestigious Fred Karno company, which took him to America. He was scouted for the film industry and began appearing in 1914 for Ke

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুদ দুখান || Suratud Dukhan || سورة الدخان

Ad-Dukhan (Arabic: الدخان‎, ad-dukhān; meaning: Smoke) is the 44th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 59 verses (ayat). حم ۝ [1] The first verse is one of Quran\'s Muqatta\'at, the letter combinations that appear in the beginning of some chapters. Verse 37 mentions the people of Tubba, interpreters explain that this refers to the people of Sheba. The word dukhan, meaning \'smoke\', is mentioned in verse 10.[2] Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Hadith 3 References 4 External links Summary 1-6 The Quran sent down on the Blessed Night 7 God the only source of life 8-15 Unbelievers threatened with the tormenting smoke of the judgment-day 16-32 Pharaoh and his people destroyed for rejecting Moses 33-37 The people of Makkah threatened with the fate of the people of Tubba\' 38-39 God d

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল আহযাব || Suratul Ahzab || سورة الاحزاب

Al-Ahzab (Arabic: الأحزاب‎, al-aḥzāb;[1] meaning: the confederates,[2] aka: \"the clans\", \"the coalition\", \"the combined forces\") is the 33rd chapter (sūrah) of the Quran (Q33) with 73 verses (āyāt). The sūrah takes its name from the mention of the parties (al-aḥzāb), or confederates (an alliance among the Quraysh and other tribes), who fought the Muslims at the Battle of the Trench (5/627), also known as the Battle of the Parties and as the siege of Madinah.[3] Summary Women in the predominantly Islamic country of Algeria wearing a haïk, a type of veil. 1-3 Muhammad to obey God rather than the unbelievers 4-5 Adopted sons not to be regarded as real sons by Muslims 6 Muhammad’s wives the mothers of the faithful 7-8 The covenant of the prophets with God 9-11 God’s favour to the Muslims at the Ditch 12-15 The disaffected people of Madína rebuked 16-17 None can flee from God’s anger 18-20 The treachery of the hypocrites of Madína exposed 21 Muhammad an example

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ সাবা || Surah Saba || سورة سباء

Saba’ (Arabic: سبأ‎, saba’; from the city called \"Sheba\") is the 34th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 54 verses (āyāt). It discusses the lives of Solomon and David, a story about the people of Sheba, challenges and warnings against the disbelievers as well as the promises related to the Day of Judgment. Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it has been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Revelation history 3 Name 4 References 4.1 Citations 4.2 Bibliography 5 External links Summary Saba’ 1-2 Praise to the All-wise and Sovereign God 3 Unbelievers shall not escape the judgment-day 4-5 The reward of believers and the punishment of infidels sure 6 Certain Jews accept the Quran as the word of God 7 The Quraish scoff at the doctrine of the resurrection 8 Muhammad accused of being a forger of the Quran and a madman 8-9 Divine judgments threatened agai

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ লুকমান || Surah Luqman || سورة لقمان

Luqman[1] (Arabic: لقمان‎, romanized: luqmān) is the 31st chapter (sūrah) of the Islamic holy book, the Qur\'an. It is composed of 34 verses (āyāt) and takes its title from the mention of the sage Luqman in verses 12–19 which includes advices to his son. It was, according to Islamic traditional chronology (asbāb al-nuzūl), revealed in the middle of Muhammad\'s Meccan period, and is thus usually classified as a Meccan sura.[2] Contents 1 Summary 2 Reading Qur\'an 31 3 References 4 External links Summary 1-2 The Quran a direction and mercy to the righteous 3-4 The righteous described 5-6 An unbeliever rebuked for his contempt for the Quran 7-8 Blessed rewards of the righteous 9-10 God the Creator of heaven and earth 11 Luqman gifted with wisdom 12, 15-17 Luqmán’s discourse to his son 13-14 Parenthesis on the duty of children to their parents 18 Modesty and humility enjoined 19 God’s favour to mankind 19-20 The unreasonableness of infidel contention 21 The security of t

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ ফাতির || Surah Fatir || سورة فاطر

Fatir (Arabic: فاطر‎, fāṭir; meaning: Originator), also known as Al-Mala’ikah (ﺍﻟملائكة, ’al-malā’ikah; meaning: \"The Angels\"),[1] is the 35th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 45 verses (āyāt). Parts of Q35:39-49 are preserved in the Ṣan‘ā’1 lower text.[2] Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Contents 1 Summary 2 Exegesis 3 References 4 External links Summary 1-2 God praised as the Sovereign Creator 3 The Quraish exhorted to worship the true God 4 Muhammad told that it is no strange thing for a prophet to be called an impostor 5-6 God’s promises true, but Satan is a deceiver 7-8 Reward for believers and punishment for infidels sure 9 Reprobate sinners shall not be as the righteous before God 10 The desert made green by rainfall a type of the resurrection 11 God exalteth

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুস সাজদাহ || Suratus Sazdah || سورة السجدة

as-sajdah (السجدة), is the 32nd chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 30 verses (āyāt). The name of the chapter has been translated as ۩ \"Prostration\" [1] or \"Adoration\".[2] and is taken from the fifteenth verse which mentions those who \"... fall prostrate and hymn the praise of their Lord\".[1] Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation, it is an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. Theodor Nöldeke (d.1930), translator of Tabari (Arabic – German), estimated it as the 70th (Nöldeke chronology).[3] The traditional Egyptian chronology puts the chapter as the 75th chapter by the order of revelation (after Quran 23). Contents 1 Summary 2 Quranic commentary 3 References 3.1 Citations 3.2 References 4 External links Summary 1 A. L. M. [4] [2] The \"mysterious letters\" alif, lām, and mīm [1] 2 The Quran is without doubt inspired revelation 3 Muhammad did not forge the Quran 4 The heavens and earth

Monday, April 26, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল ক্বসাস || Suratul Qasas || سورة القصص

Al-Qasas (Arabic: القصص‎, ’al-qaṣaṣ; meaning: The Story) is the 28th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur\'an with 88 verses (āyāt). কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল ক্বসাস || Suratul Qasas || سورة القصص According to Ibn Kathir\'s commentary, the chapter takes its name from verse 25 in which the word Al-Qasas occurs. Lexically, qasas means to relate events in their proper sequence. Thus, from the viewpoint of the meaning too, this word can be a suitable title for this Surah, for in it the detailed story of the Prophet Moses has been related, also it includes story of Qarun from verse 76 to verse 83 explaining how Qarun was proud of himself thinking that his huge wealth earned by his own science, denying the grace of God on him and latter God destroyed him with his wealth underground. Summary 1-2 Muhammad receives the story of Moses for the benefit of believers 3 Pharaoh oppresses the Israelites 4-5 God determines to befri

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল আ'নকাবুত || Suratul A'nkabut || سورة العنكبوت

Al-‘Ankaboot (Arabic: العنكبوت‎, al-‘ankabūt; meaning: The Spider) [1] is the 29th chapter (surah) of the Quran with 69 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the supposed revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), it is considered an earlier \"Meccan surah\", which means it is believed to have been revealed in Mecca, instead of later in Medina. This is due to the introduction concerning the persecution of the Muslims. The early Muslims were persecuted in Mecca, where Muhammed was not a head of state and not persecuted in Medina, where he was a head of state and had some protection. The surah states that Nuh, Ibrahim, Lut, Shuaib, Hud, Saleh, Musa and Muhammad all were prophets of God. All of them endured hardships. For example, Noah was ridiculed often and Abraham was thrown into the fire. But God destroyed their people who transgressed. As it says in verse 40, So each We punished for his sin; of them was he on whom We sent down a violent storm, and of

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুর রূম || Suratur Rum || سورة الروم

Ar-Rum (Arabic: الروم‎, ’ar-rūm meaning: The Romans) is the 30th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran. It consists of 60 verses (āyāt). The term Rûm originated in the word \"Romans\" and in the time of Prophet Muhammad referred to the Byzantine Greeks (Eastern Roman Empire), hence the title is sometimes also translated as \"The Greeks\" or \"The Byzantines\".[1] The Sura provides information on how the cataclysmic Byzantine–Sasanian War of 602–628 looked to the Mecca Arabs, interested onlookers who were still unaware that within a single generation they themselves would enter the game of empire and defeat both Persians and Byzantines. Contents 1 Summary 2 Chronology 3 Literary units 4 Major themes 5 Sample verse 6 References 7 External links Summary 1-5 Prophecy concerning the ultimate triumph of the Greeks over the Persians 6-7 God\'s power manifest in nature 8-9 The Quraish heed not the warnings of God 10-12 The despair of the infidels in the resurrection 13-15 The righteous a

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সূরা আশ শুআরা || Suratus Shu'araa || سورة الشعراء

সূরা আশ শুআরা , (আরবি: سورة الشعراء‎‎, (কবিগণ), মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের ২৬ তম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মক্কায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে এবং এর আয়াত সংখ্যা ২২৭ টি। আয়াতসমূহ بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ আল্লাহর নাম দিয়ে শুরু করছি যিনি পরম করুণাময়, অতি দয়ালু। ১-১০ طسم ১. ত্বা, সীন, মীম। تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ الْمُبِينِ ২. এগুলো সুস্পষ্ট কিতাবের আয়াত। لَعَلَّكَ بَاخِعٌ نَّفْسَكَ أَلَّا يَكُونُوا مُؤْمِنِينَ ৩. তারা বিশ

Sunday, April 25, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুন নূর || Suratun Noor || سورة النور

সূরা আন নূর মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের ২৪ তম সূরা। সূরার নামের বাংলা অর্থ আলো। এটি মাদানী সূরা। এ সূরায় হযরত আয়েশা রা. এর উপর দেওয়া অপবাদ খন্ডন করা হয়েছে। পরিচ্ছেদসমূহ ১ নামকরণ ২ মূল পাঠ, উচ্চারণ ৩ শানেনুযুল ৪ সূরার তথ্য ৫ বিষয়বস্তু ৬ আরো দেখুন ৭ তথ্যসূত্র ৮ বহিঃসংযোগ নামকরণ পঞ্চম রুকূ’র প্রথম আয়াত তথা ৩৫ তম আয়াত থেকে সূরার নাম গৃহীত হয়েছে।[১] উক্ত আল্লাহ নিজের প

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুন নাম্ল || Suratun Naml || سورة النمل

আন নম্‌ল (আরবি: سورة النمل‎‎) মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের ২৭তম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মক্কায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে এবং এর আয়াত সংখ্যা ৯৩টি। নম্‌ল শব্দের অর্থ (পিপীলিকা)। পরিচ্ছেদসমূহ ১ নামকরণ ২ বিষয়বস্তু ৩ আরো দেখুন ৪ তথ্যসূত্র নামকরণ দ্বিতীয় রুকূ’র চতুর্থ আয়াতে واد النمل এর কথা বলা হয়েছে। সূরার নাম এখান থেকেই নেয়া হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ এমন সূরা যাতে নামল এর কথা বলা হয়েছে। অথবা যার মধ্যে

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল ফুরক্বন || Suratul Furqan || سورة الفرقان

আল ফুরকান (আরবি: سورة الفرقان‎‎; সত্য মিথ্যার পার্থক্য নির্ধারণকারী গ্রম্থ) মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের ২৫ তম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মক্কায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে। এ সূরার আয়াত সংখ্যা ৭৭টি এবং রুকু সংখ্যা ৬ টি । পরিচ্ছেদসমূহ ১ নামকরণ ২ বিষয়বস্তু ৩ তথ্যসূত্র ৪ বহিঃসংযোগ নামকরণ প্রথম আয়াত (আরবী) থেকে সূরার নাম গৃহীত হয়েছে। কুরআনের অধিকাংশ সূরার মতো এ নামটিও বিষয়বস্তু ভিত্তিক শিরোনা

Saturday, April 24, 2021

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল হাজ্জ্ব || Suratul Hazz || سورة الحج

সুরা আল হাজ্জ্ব (আরবি: سورة الحج‎‎, \"তীর্থযাত্রা, হজ্জ\") কুরআনের ২২তম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মদীনায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে। এর আয়াত সংখ্যা ৭৮। সুরাটি মূলত মুসলমানদের অবশ্য পালনীয় ধর্মীয় কর্ম হাজ্জ্ব এবং হাজ্জ্ব সংক্রান্ত দিকটি বেশি উম্মচিত হয়েছে। Al-Ḥajj [1] (Arabic: الحج‎, al ḥajj; meaning: \"The Pilgrimage\", \"The Hajj\") is the 22nd chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 78 verses (āyāt). This surah takes its name from the 27th verse. Contents 1 Summary 2 Time of revelation 3 Background 4 Topic and theme 5 Principal subject 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Summary A painting from Siyer-i Nebi, Ali behe

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাতুল আম্বিয়া || Suratul Anmbia || سورة الانبياء

সূরা আল আম্বিয়া (আরবি: سورة الأنبياء‎‎ \"নবীগণ\") মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের একুশতম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মক্কায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে এবং এর আয়াত সংখ্যা ১১২ টি। পরিচ্ছেদসমূহ ১ নামকরণ ২ বিষয়বস্তু ৩ আরও দেখুন ৪ তথ্যসূত্র ৫ বহিঃসংযোগ নামকরণ কোন বিশেষ আয়াত থেকে এ সূরার নামকরণ করা হয়নি। এই সূরায় যেহেতু অনেক নবীর কথা বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে তাই এর নাম রাখা হয়েছে “আল আম্বিয়া”। বিষয়বস্তু ম

কুরআন তিলাওয়াত || সুরাহ মু'মিনুন || Surah Mu'minun || سورة المؤمنون

আল মু\'মিনূন , (আরবি: سورة المؤمنون‎‎), (মুমিনগণ) মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় গ্রন্থ কুরআনের ২৩ তম সূরা। এই সূরাটি মক্কায় অবতীর্ণ হয়েছে এবং এর আয়াত সংখ্যা ১১৮টি। পরিচ্ছেদসমূহ ১ নামকরণ ২ বিষয়বস্তু ৩ আরো দেখুন ৪ তথ্যসূত্র ৫ বহিঃসংযোগ নামকরণ প্রথম আয়াত قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ থেকে সূরার নাম গৃহীত হয়েছে। [১] বিষয়বস্তু এই সূরার মূল বক্তব্য হচ্ছে চারিত্রিক গুণাবলী যা মুমিন বা বিশ্বাসী হওয়ার \'ব

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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Coronavirus Symptoms (COVID-19)


Coronavirus Symptoms (COVID-19)

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

Typical Symptoms

COVID-19 typically causes flu-like symptoms including a fever and cough.

In some patients - particularly the elderly and others with other chronic health conditions - these symptoms can develop into pneumonia, with chest tightness, chest pain, and shortness of breath.

It seems to start with a feverfollowed by a dry cough.

After a week, it can lead to shortness of breath, with about 20% of patients requiring hospital treatment.

Notably, the COVID-19 infection rarely seems to cause a runny nose, sneezing, or sore throat (these symptoms have been observed in only about 5% of patients). Sore throat, sneezing, and stuffy nose are most often signs of a cold.

Examples of possible development of symptoms (from actual cases)

A man in his 40s in Japan:

A man in his 60s in Japan:

  • Day #1: initial symptoms of low-grade fever and sore throat.

A man in his 40s in Japan:

  • Day #1: chillssweating and malaise
  • Day #4: fevermuscle pain and cough

A woman in her 70s, in Japan:

A woman in her 40s, in Japan:

A man in his 60s, in Japan:

  • Day #1: Cold
  • Day #6: Fever of 39° C. (102.2 F)
  • Day #8: Pneumonia

How long do symptoms last?

Using available preliminary data, the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission published on Feb. 28 by WHO, [5] which is based on 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases, observed the following median time from symptoms onset to clinical recovery:

  • mild cases: approximately 2 weeks
  • severe or critical disease: 3 - 6 weeks
  • time from onset to the development of severe disease (including hypoxia): 1 week

Among patients who have died, the time from symptom onset to outcome ranges from 2 - 8 weeks

Information on Coronavirus Symptoms from Government Health Officials

Canada Public Health Agency

The Canadian PHAC section dedicated to the 2019 novel coronavirus states that:

  • You may have little to no symptoms.
  • You may not know you have symptoms of COVID-19 because they are similar to a cold or flu.
  • Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus. This is the longest known infectious period for this virus.

Symptoms have included:

  • fever
  • cough
  • difficulty breathing
  • pneumonia in both lungs

In severe cases, infection can lead to death.

UK Government and NHS

The UK National Health Service (NHS) section dedicated to Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) lists the following as the main symptoms of coronavirus:

  • a cough
  • a high temperature
  • shortness of breath

The GOV.UK novel coronavirus guidance for the public page says:

  • Typical symptoms of coronavirus include fever and a cough that may progress to a severe pneumonia causing shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

The GOV.UK clinical guidance on Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV): epidemiology, virology and clinical features notes that:

  • Fevercough or chest tightness, and dyspnoea are the main symptoms reported. While most cases report a mild illness, severe are also being reported, some of whom require intensive care.

Australian Government

The Australian Government Department of Health informs that symptoms can range from mild illness to pneumonia, adding that some people will recover easily, while others may get very sick very quickly. According to their list of novel coronavirus symptoms, people may experience:

  • fever
  • flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat and fatigue
  • shortness of breath

Symptoms observed in hospitalized patients with COVID-19

Below we list the symptoms, with percentages representing the proportion of patients displaying that symptom, as observed in hospitalized patients tested and identified as having laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection. These findings refer to hospitalized patients, therefore generally representing serious or critical cases. The majority of cases of COVID-19 (about 80%) is mild.

Findings from the Wang et al study published on JAMA and based on 138 hospitalized patients 

Common symptoms included:
(Wang et al study) 
Dry cough

The median time observed:

  • from first symptom to → Dyspnea (Shortness of breath) = 5.0 days
  • from first symptom to  Hospital admission 7.0 days
  • from first symptom to → ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) = 8.0 days (when occurring)

Full list of symptoms from the Wang study:

Findings from the Huang et al study published on The Lancet and based on 41 hospitalized patients 

(Huang et al study) 
Myalgia (muscle pain)
or Fatigue
Sputum production
(coughing up material)
(coughing up blood)

Findings from the Chen et al study published on The Lancet and based on 99 hospitalized patients [4]

Signs and symptoms at admission

Shortness of breath
Muscle ache
Sore throat
Rhinorrhoea (runny nose)
Chest pain
Nausea and vomiting
More than one sign
or symptom
Fever, cough,
and shortness
of breath


Countries cases distribution

Distribution of casesUnited States: 23.46 %(31,869,970 cases)United States: 23.46 %(31,869,970 cases)Brazil: 9.90 % (13,445,006 cases)Brazil: 9.90 % (13,445,006 cases)India: 9.83 % (13,355,465 cases)India: 9.83 % (13,355,465 cases)France: 3.66 % (4,980,501 cases)France: 3.66 % (4,980,501 cases)Russia: 3.41 % (4,632,688 cases)Russia: 3.41 % (4,632,688 cases)United Kingdom: 3.21 %(4,368,045 cases)United Kingdom: 3.21 %(4,368,045 cases)Turkey: 2.79 % (3,798,333 cases)Turkey: 2.79 % (3,798,333 cases)Italy: 2.76 % (3,754,077 cases)Italy: 2.76 % (3,754,077 cases)Spain: 2.46 % (3,347,512 cases)Spain: 2.46 % (3,347,512 cases)HungaryCases: 0.53% (713,868 cases)