Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How This Woman Lost 80 Lbs. with Small Changes

How This Woman Lost 80 Lbs. with Small Changes

Randi Vasquez was “always pretty chubby” growing up, but it never affected her confidence.

“I was always feeling myself,” the 27-year-old tells PEOPLE. “I wasn’t scared to wear a two-piece bathing suit or trendy outfits. I wasn’t always the happiest about my image, but I didn’t let that hold me back.”
But after she graduated from college, Vasquez found herself in “a post-grad slump.”
“I couldn’t find the job that I wanted, and I had trouble adapting,” she says.
Living in Chattanooga, Tenn., she and her friends would go for hours-long, mimosa-filled brunches every weekend and dine on fried chicken and waffles. And her other meals were just as caloric — Vasquez relied on fast food and remembers one day when she and her roommate ate at the southern burger joint Krystal’s three times.
“I was getting heavier and heavier,” she says. “I started to notice that my confidence was going down, and I wasn’t motivated to do anything. It started to click that if I didn’t change my life that it would just get worse and worse.”
“I remember one proposal session on a mountain and I had to run up and down this trail,” she says. “I couldn’t keep up with the couple and I remember that day was a big moment because I felt so out of shape. I was so embarrassed because I was so exhausted.”
Vasquez decided to start trying to lose weight, but with small changes. She joined her local YMCA in the fall of 2014 and found a body pump class that she loved.
“I went twice a week — I became obsessed with it. Within five or six months I lost 18 to 20 lbs. just by going to the gym,” she says.
In March 2015, a friend introduced her to Kayla Itsines’ popular BBG plan, and she got a Fitbit Surge later that year to monitor her heart rate and figure out how to push herself during workouts.
“Within a few weeks my body started to change and that helped me stay motivated,” she says.
Vasquez also started cooking more of her meals and going for healthier options. She stuck to a low-carb diet as much as possible, but didn’t cut out fast food completely — “I didn’t want to restrict too many things,” she says. One of the biggest moments in her weight loss journey came when Itsines shared one of Vasquez’s progress photos on Instagram.
“That was one of the best moments for me, because it helped me break down a wall I had up,” she says. “Before I was heavy and I didn’t want anyone to know that I had gained weight after college and that I was struggling, but having that out in the world tore that wall down. It helped me share my story and meet other people like me who were tackling their weight problems.”

And slowly but surely, the weight started coming off.
“Year after year, month after month, I made small little goals and just kept going,” she says. “I hit 80 lbs. down in fall 2017. That was such a big moment for me. That was my original weight loss goal. I had these jars with marbles in them, and every time I lost a pound I would move a marble to the other jar. When I hit 80 lbs. down and moved that last marble it was such an amazing moment.”
In the year-and-a-half since, Vasquez has worked on maintaining her weight loss with a few ups and downs — she opened up to her now-72,800 Instagram followers in January that she was “constantly yo-yoing” in weight during 2018 and wanted to find a better balance. And in the months since, she accomplished one of her bucket list goals: running a half marathon.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Because She Lost 350 Lbs

Getting Skin Removal Surgery on Her Legs

Because She  Lost 350 Lbs

After losing 350 lbs., the first thing Jacqueline Adan wanted gone were the layers of loose skin now covering her legs.

“They’re my biggest insecurity,” the 32-year-old tells PEOPLE. “I always struggled with loving my legs, and the size of them.”
And they were also a source of bullying — Adan, a Montessori preschool teacher — went viral in 2017 after she shared a photo of herself on the beach, post-weight loss, and said that a couple nearby started pointing and laughing at her legs.
But when she started the long and painful process of skin removal surgery in 2016, her doctor said that she would have to be patient.
“He said that we’re putting my body back together like a puzzle, and we can’t start with the legs,” Adan explains. “We started with my stomach, because it was the largest area, and then we did the upper part of my stomach and my arms.”
The surgeries and the lengthy, difficult recoveries that followed took three years, and during that time her legs struggled to hold up the excess skin around them.

“The pain in my legs from the loose skin keeps getting worse, because they’re just so heavy,” she says. “I was going to physical therapy because my knees and my hips couldn’t keep carrying that weight, and there’s nothing I can do until I get the skin removed. They started putting me in compression garments to hold the skin, but then all the loose skin got pulled to the top. All the leg skin is sitting at the top of my hips. I just need it removed.”
On March 21, Adan is finally getting her wish. After a consult with her doctor last week, they determined that she’s ready for skin removal surgery on her legs. Over the 7-hour surgery, Adan’s doctor will cut from the groin area down to the backs of her knees to take off pounds of excess skin.
But as excited as she is for the surgery to finally happen, Adan struggled with her mindset after their consult.
“I started getting really hard on myself and angry because I have to get this surgery, and asking myself why I let myself get to 500 lbs., and all that negative talk started coming in,” she says. “I started getting annoyed with myself that I have to go through another intense surgery that I could have avoided if I didn’t get myself to 500 lbs. But I can’t change the past. I have to focus on right now and getting mentally prepared so I can deal with it in the best way possible. Going into these surgeries with a positive mindset is so important because it helps you heal faster.”

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Top Market Place for Affiliate

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So, do not wait for Click Bank approval, get smart income sitting in home.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Can Drinking Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight?

Can Drinking Lemon Water Help You Lose Weight?

Okay, so the experts aren't exactly on board. But what about the lab rats? Has research managed to find a rationale for linking hot water and lemon to weight loss? Potentially. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition discovered that polyphenols (plant compounds that also act as antioxidants) found in the lemon peel and juice may help to stimulate the liver to burn fat. However, this research was conducted on rats eating high fat so unless you have a tail and are following the ketogenic diet their findings probably won't translate to your human body.

lemon water

In the short term, drinking water with lemon can reduce bloating – it acts as a mild, natural diuretic, says Expert. However, if you're experiencing bloating in the long-term, it's best to figure out what is causing it and works to stop those habits: Eating too fast, drinking through a straw, drinking carbonated beverages, consuming too much salt, and consuming foods with sugar alcohols are common culprits.
You also don't want to chug water with lemon religiously if you experience heartburn or acid reflux, as the citrus in the lemon will only exacerbate your symptoms, says Experts.
There are some drinks that, when coupled with a healthy lifestyle, are better for your body than your regular brew. Here are three to start sipping.
Lemon water won't magically help you shed kgs. In fact, no beverage in and of itself is a silver bullet for slimming down. You need to eat well, be active and strike a healthy balance.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Losing Weight keeping the Weight Off

Losing Weight 
keeping the Weight Off

Our advice about how to lose weight in this 12-week  can also help you to better manage your weight in the long term.

 Below are some of the common features among people who have lost weight and have been successful at keeping it off: Stick to lower-calorie eating In studies of people who have lost weight and kept it off for at least a year, most continued to eat a diet lower in calories than before their diet

Keep planning ahead Maintain your healthier eating habit regardless of changes in your routine, such as eating out, weekends or holidays. By planning ahead, you’re less likely to slip up. Eat breakfast Research shows that breakfast can help people control their weight. Having breakfast can help you avoid getting too hungry and snacking later on. 

Stay active Studies show that people who’ve lost weight and kept it off typically do 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity most days of the week while not overeating. Keep using the chart Keep using the food and activity chart and calorie counter to stay in control of your calories and exercise.

 They will help prevent your calorie count from creeping back up. Watch your weight Weigh yourself regularly, for example once a week, to help you stay on track and correct small weight gains before they become serious relapses. Get support Get family and friends to support your new healthier lifestyle, whether it’s by helping you make healthier food choices or getting active and doing some exercise with you.

 Stay consistent Stick to your eating and activity plan seven days a week. Don’t be tempted to ease off at the end of the week or during holidays. Keep it interesting Variety is the spice of life, so if you feel yourself slipping back to old ways, mix things up a bit. Buy a new healthy cookbook, sign up for a healthy cooking course or try a new activity.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

5 Non Failure Tips to Loss Weight With Fun

5 Non Failure Tips to Loss Weight With Fun 

Patients are already dealing with learning to say “no” to their favorite foods, and adopting activities that seem difficult and challenging, especially where exercise is concerned. Having a lighthearted tone and ensuring your patients that exercise can be fun — even relaxing or stress relieving — can help your patients approach weight loss with a positive mental attitude and a sense of excitement that can set them up for success.

Here are five suggestions for activities your patients can try this weekend that are both fun and burn a ton of calories:

1.  Get some fresh air and some great exercise by mapping out some interesting historic sites in your city and making it a half day walking activity with family or friends. Stopping to see sites provides for ample rest in between walking. Go at your own pace and make it an enjoyable outing, and don’t forget to bring water and healthy snacks!

2.  When was the last time you went to a club? Get dressed up, grab a friend, and treat yourself to a night out with some good music. If you do go to a club or bar, just watch the alcoholic beverages as they contain empty calories. Make it a sober, but fun night. 

3.  If you like animals, this is a great way to get some weekly exercise, snuggle dogs, and make a few extra bucks! There are actually dog walking apps such as Wag! where you can actually get paid to walk dogs. Or just do it as a favor for friends or neighbors. Walking is a great, low impact exercise, so why not make it fun by adding a cute dog to the picture?

4. Did you know there are lots of video games that are designed to help you be active? If you want to get some exercise in the comfort of your own home, and you like video games, try a few rounds of “Dance, Dance Revolution” or “Wii Fit!”

5.  Take a trip to a trampoline park or take an urban rebounding class. Trampoline exercise is another low impact activity that is easy on the joints but provides great cardio in a short period of time. You can even buy your own portable trampoline to use for exercising in your house. What better way to lose weight and feel like a kid again.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Take These 5 Breakfasts to Start Your Weight Loss

Take These 5 Breakfasts to Start Your Weight Loss

Egg and veggie scramble

Eggs are the gold standard for high-quality protein, with 6 grams of protein per large egg. Several studies show that an egg-based breakfast—compared to a carb-rich first meal—helps reduce overall daily calories, keeps you fuller longer, and reduces cravings for carbs.
Make a satisfying and balanced morning meal with one whole egg plus two egg whites scrambled with your favorite veggies (like mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, and spinach or arugula) with a toasted whole-grain English muffin.

Cottage cheese and fruit parfait

Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of leucine, the amino acid that helps build and maintain muscle mass. Enjoy a cup of low-fat cottage cheese with one cup fresh berries, pineapple, or pear slices and top with a sprinkle of chopped nuts or granola for texture.

Choco-nana-chia smoothie

Blend one cup pea or soy protein non-dairy milk, one banana, one tablespoon vanilla or chocolate protein powder, and one tablespoon of chia seeds until you've reached your desired consistency.
Breakfast egg, ham, and veggie burrito
Scramble two whole eggs and one egg white with one slice of Canadian bacon, chopped. Add chopped spinach, chopped bell pepper, and salsa. Serve in a six-inch corn or whole-grain tortilla.

Yogurt, oat, and berry breakfast bowl

Greek yogurt has a great protein-to-calorie ratio, making it an ally when trying to tone up. Whole grain oats provide up to 5 grams of protein per cup, and the fiber in oats helps trigger feelings of fullness.
Try one cup cooked oatmeal topped with ¾ cup nonfat or low-fat plain Greek yogurt with one cup fresh or frozen (no added sugar) berries.

Eating optimal amounts of the “right” protein at your first meal is one of the best ways to help jump-start weight loss and promote healthy behaviors all day long.
Here’s why: Protein at breakfast has been shown to help reduce hunger and appetite, boost metabolism, provide lasting energy, conquer cravings for carbs, and help build and maintain muscle mass.
My breakfast MVPs—most valuable proteins—to help set you up for weight loss success are eggs, low-fat yogurt, milk (cow’s milk and some plant-based varieties), and cottage cheese. Since these foods tend to be breakfast favorites already, adding more protein early in your day may be one of the easiest ways to lose weight.