Monday, July 15, 2019

Take a Walk After Eat : A Case Study

At the end of a long day, it’s tempting to dive into your social feeds or Netflix queue the minute you’ve finished eating. But back before screens bogarted all our free time, an after-dinner stroll was a popular activity and one associated with improved health and digestion. “Italians have been walking after meals for centuries,” says Loretta DiPietro, a professor of exercise science at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health, “so it must be good.”
Research backs this up. One small study co-authored by DiPietro found that when older adults at risk for type-2 diabetes walked on a treadmill for 15 minutes after a meal, they had smaller blood sugar spikes in the hours afterwards. In fact, the researchers found that these short post-meal walks were even more effective at lowering blood sugar after dinner than a single 45-minute walk taken at mid-morning or late in the afternoon.

The human digestive system converts food into the sugar glucose, which is one of the body’s primary energy sources—so after a meal, glucose floods a person’s bloodstream. Hormones like insulin help pull that glucose into cells, either to be used immediately or stored away for later use. But for people with diabetes and impaired insulin activity, too much glucose can remain in the blood, which can cause or contribute to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and other health problems.
Insulin secretion in response to a meal tends to wane later in the day, and this is especially so in older people,” DiPietro says. She points out that many of us eat our largest meal of the day in the evening, and we also tend to sit around afterward. As a result, “blood glucose levels will rise very high and will stay elevated for hours,” she says.
What good does walking do? “The muscles we use to walk use glucose as energy, drawing it out of circulation and therefore reducing how much is floating around,” says Andrew Reynolds, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
Reynolds coauthored a 2016 study of people with type-2 diabetes and found that just 10 minutes of walking after a meal helped control their blood sugar levels. “We saw the biggest differences with walking after dinner time,” compared to other times of the day, Reynolds says. Like DiPietro, he says many people just sit around in the evenings, and this may be especially bad because the body’s ability to manage blood sugar at that time of day is weakest. “Getting up and moving around at that time was very effective,” he says.

Along with combatting surges in blood sugar, a little post-meal movement may also aid digestion. “Exercise stimulates peristalsis, which is the process of moving digested food through the GI tract,” says Sheri Colberg-Ochs, a diabetes and exercise researcher at Old Dominion University. Her research has found that a post-meal walk is much more effective than a pre-meal walk for controlling blood sugar.
More research has found that walking helps speed up the time it takes food to move from the stomach into the small intestines. This could help improve satiety after eating. There’s also evidence that links this type of faster digestion with lower rates of heartburn and other reflux symptoms.
Walking isn’t the only type of post-meal exercise that provides these benefits. “Whether it is resistance exercise or aerobic exercise, both have a similar impact on lowering blood glucose levels,” says Jill Kanaley, a professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri. One small study by Kanaley and others found that for people with obesity and type-2 diabetes, doing a weight training session with leg presses, calf raises, chest flies and back extensions 45 minutes after dinner lowered their triglycerides and blood sugar for a short time—and improved their wellbeing.
But more isn’t necessarily better when it comes to post-eating exercise. There’s some evidence that vigorous forms of training may delay digestion after a meal. “Exercising muscles pull more of the blood flow their way during activity, and the GI tract gets relatively less,” Colberg-Ochs says. “That actually slows down the digestion of food in your stomach during the activity.” Most of the research on post-meal physical activity suggests that moderate intensities—think fast walking or biking—are best. “Anything but really intense exercise would probably work equally well,” she adds.
As far as timing goes, try to move your body within an hour of eating—and the sooner the better. Colberg-Ochs says glucose tends to peak 72 minutes after food intake, so you’d want to get moving well before then.
Even if you can only fit in a quick 10-minute walk, it’ll be worth it. Apart from the perks mentioned here, more research has linked short bouts of walking with benefits like lower blood pressure and a reduced risk for depression.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Great Source of Protein in USA

There's no question that plant-based diets are on the rise: Between 2000 and 2017, dairy consumption fell 24%. And market research firm Mintel reports that plant “milk” sales (such as almond, coconut, and oat milks) rose more than 60% between 2012 and 2017. Thirty-six percent of consumers and 60% of millennials buy plant-based “meats.” And two-thirds of Americans surveyed say they have reduced their meat consumption in at least one category over the previous three years—mostly red and processed meat.

There are many reasons for a shift toward plant-based eating. Whole-food, plant-based diets are associated with lower body weight and a reduced risk of several chronic conditions, including heart disease, the nation’s top killer of both men and women, as well as cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and cognitive decline.
Some people also have concerns about the treatment of animals for food production, and the impact on the environment. A recent Harvard report, The EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health, states, “Food is the single strongest lever to optimize human health and environmental sustainability,” and calls for a primarily plant-based diet.
There is no one definition of a plant-based diet, but most experts agree that it means primarily eating plants, although small or occasional amounts of any type of animal protein many be included. However, two specific versions of a plant-based diet are well defined: vegetarianism and veganism. So what's the difference between them?

What’s a vegetarian?

Vegetarianism generally means that no meat, poultry, or seafood is consumed. Eggsand/or dairy are typically included in a vegetarian diet.
People who eat eggs as their only animal protein are called ovo-vegetarians. Those who allow dairy in their diet are lacto-vegetarians, and people who eat both eggs and dairy are deemed lacto-ovo-vegetarians. Pescatarian is a title for people who do eat fish and seafood but no meat or poultry, although they are generally not considered to be part of the core vegetarian community.

What’s a vegan?

Veganism excludes all animal foods, meaning no meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, or any ingredients derived from animal sources, including honey and gelatin. Veganism generally extends to a lifestyle that involves not using any materials derived from animals, including leather, fur, wool, and silk. Household products, such as cosmetics and soaps are also excluded if they are made with or tested on animals.
Nutritionally speaking, omitting more animal foods can make it challenging to meet the needs for certain nutrients, such as vitamins D and B12, iron, zinc, and calcium. However, it is possible to obtain all of the necessary nutrients on a vegan diet if you are knowledgeable about which plant foods contain key nutrients and how to supplement properly if needed. If you are vegan or are thinking of going vegan, consult with an RD who specializes in vegan diets or, at the very least, refer to a book like Becoming Vegan, written by two RDs.
When it comes to health protection, the quality of any plant-based diet is king. One recent study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, followed over 800 people who were vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, semi-vegetarians, and non-vegetarians. Researchers found that vegans had higher levels of healthy fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds in their bodies than non-vegetarians, likely because they consume more produce and other whole, plant-based foods.

How to get more plants in your diet

While vegetarianism and veganism are two pillars of plant-based eating, many consumers are creating new categories, like chegans (vegans who sometimes “cheat” with an animal-based food).
Regardless of what you call your personal style of eating, prioritize nutrient-rich, whole-plant foods. Aim for about five cups of veggies and two cups of fruit daily, along with pulses (the edible seeds of certain plants in the legume family) such as beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas; whole grains, like quinoa and brown or wild rice; and a variety of nuts and seeds. Vegan goodies, like coconut milk ice cream, and vegan cupcakes are fine as occasional treats, but they shouldn’t be mainstays.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes- What to Do ?

Losing weight with diabetes

When you have type 2 diabetes, losing just 5% of your weight can improve blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. However, as if dropping pounds isn't tough enough, diabetes can make it even more difficult. Many people who begin taking insulin to control their blood sugar see the scale tick up, and other diabetes drugs, including sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, and meglitinides, have also been associated with weight gain. (Although some, like metformin, may help you lose weight.) What's more, hormonal changes that occur in your late 30s and early 40s add to insulin resistance, which is when your body fails to use insulin efficiently, says Betul Hatipoglu, MD, an endocrinologist at Cleveland Clinic. "Metabolism slows down and the risk of gaining weight increases, especially around the midsection," she says. Here, top experts give their best advice to make losing weight with diabetes a little easier.
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Move as much as you can
The best way to overcome insulin resistance is with exercise, says Dr. Hatipoglu. "Exercise improves the body's insulin resistance and helps get rid of the fat," she says. In fact, exercise can be as powerful as medication at lowering your blood sugar. Take every opportunity to get up and walk around during the day and avoid sitting for long periods of time. Some simple lifestyle tweaks: take the stairs instead of the elevator; get off one stop early if you use public transportation or park at the back of the lot if you drive; and walk over to your coworker's desk to ask a question instead of shooting an email or instant message. Aim for a total of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a day.

Take breakfast

Including breakfast in the daily routine is a common denominator for successful weight loss and maintenance, says Rene Ficek, RD, lead nutrition expert at Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating and a Certified Diabetes Educator. "This may work because breakfast suppresses midmorning hunger, produces better blood glucose and elevates basal metabolic rate," she explains. An Israeli study showed one-third of people with diabetes who ate a big breakfast that included protein and fat were able to reduce their diabetes medication and lower their blood sugar levels compared with only 17% of those eating a smaller breakfast. Eating breakfast also typically results in fewer episodes of imbalanced, impulsive, or excessive eating later in the day increases fiber intake from veggies and whole grains; reduces dietary fat intake; and encourages improved health consciousness.
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Check body weight frequently

In addition to a reduced-calorie diet, frequent weighing is an integral part of successful weight loss, says Ficek. "Monitoring weight on a regular basis is a form of accountability and self-monitoring, and consistent self-monitoring is associated with improved weight loss." Ficek recommends weighing yourself one to two times a week. Be consistent with the time of day and weigh yourself with the same clothes—don't wear your shoes one day and leave them off the next.

Plan before dining out

It happens: A big project keeps you at the office late, and you have nothing to eat waiting for you at home. Instead of pulling into a drive-thru and asking for the first thing that looks good to you, have a list of healthy options saved in a note on your smartphone so you know exactly what to order, suggests Weisenberger. All major fast food chains have nutrition information available on their websites. Find out which options have an amount of carbs and calories that your nutritionist could give a thumbs up. Good bets: healthy salads with nuts (skip sugary dressings!), half sandwiches or breadless options with vegetables, lettuce wraps, asking for mustard instead of mayo, and fruit parfaits.

Make your own flavored water

Slashing empty calories from sugary sodas and juices is a no-brainer when you have type 2 diabetes. But if you can't stand the idea of drinking plain water, skip diet drinks (they aren't any better for you than the sugary stuff) and make your own flavored H2O, says Weisenberger. "Flavor your water with fruit, vegetables, and herbs." Try cucumber and mint, peach and basil, lemon slices, and strawberry, lime and rosemary. Before adding the herbs, crush them lightly in your hand to release their flavors, she suggests.

Monday, July 8, 2019

The Benefits of HMR Diet

The Benefits of HMR Diet


There are countless weight-loss plans to choose from, but the simple truth is this: What works for one person just may not click for another. Some people need a plan with lots of choices and variety, or one that allows them to cook. Others prefer an ultra-streamlined approach, in which all of the food is provided and options are minimized.
If you’re in the latter group, one program to consider is HMR, which stands for Health Management Resources. Here's how to follow HMR, the number of calories and types of foods you're allowed, and my thoughts as a registered dietitian nutritionist as to whether it's safe, healthy, and can result in long-term weight loss.

Following Rules

 News and Reports ranked HMR the number one diet for fast weight loss. The company’s simple 3+2+5 Healthy Solutions plan includes 3 shakes per day and 2 pre-made meals (which you purchase from HMR) and 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables that you supply yourself.
The structured approach also recommends daily tracking using the HMR app, and incorporating physical activity, such as a few daily walks. Participants typically lose 23 pounds on average within 12 weeks. The company also offers an even lower calorie medically supervised option, which can result in significantly greater weight loss for obese people. (More on this below.)
The plan provides roughly 1,200 calories a day, and a starter kit that contains three weeks worth of meals costs about $300. However, this phase is designed to last until you hit your goal, which may take much longer. The program also includes support, via the app, and weekly group phone sessions led by a “health coach” who offers cheerleading and problem solving.
The goal is to transition to a maintenance plan, which reduces the reliance on HMR foods and teaches healthy lifestyle skills, including meal planning and prep, plus how to navigate social situations while you're trying to lose weight.


In all of my years counseling clients, I have learned that it’s important to know your personality in order to determine if any particular approach is doable and sustainable for you. Both ultimately determine a successful (or disastrous) outcome, as well how you’ll feel emotionally as you’re shedding pounds.
For example, if fewer choices make you feel restricted and trigger cravings, a plan like HMR isn’t the best choice. But if you’re the type of person who thrives on structure and repetition, and you feel freed by not having to make decisions about what and how much to eat, an approach like this may work well. And if you need to see some quick weight loss in order to build momentum and boost your motivation to transition to a longer term healthy eating pattern, a ready-to-eat approach may fit.

Know About

There are few things I don’t like about HMR, however. My number one issue is the ingredients. The shakes contain the artificial sweetener saccharin and artificial flavor, and they are dairy and egg-based. I did not see an option for those with dairy or egg allergies or sensitivities on the HMR site.
Also, the entrees are shelf stable (not frozen) and highly processed. While some are better than others, I did spot ingredients like carrageenan, which has been linked to inflammation, as well as preservatives and soy, another common allergen.
My other red flag concerns long-term results. While I appreciate the fact that the program emphasizes produce from day one, supplies group support, and teaches lifestyle changes, I’ve seen people use these types of programs as quick fixes before rebounding right back to old habits. There doesn’t seem to be solid data on how HMR participants do at keeping weight off for good.
One study, which looked at the very low calorie diet (VLCD) HMR option, was unable to determine outcomes past one year. Researchers also noted some risks associated with very VLCD approaches, including constipation and gallstones. The latter may be three times more common in VLCDs compared to more traditional low calorie approaches.
Finally, HMR or any plan like it is challenging when socializing. Dining out is pretty much off limits in phase one, and getting through holidays and special occasions can be difficult—not just for the dieter but also for friends and family.

Friday, June 14, 2019

It's Not Keto,But This Is The Best Diets of 2019 According to Experts

It's Not Keto,But This Is The Best Diets of 2019 According to Experts

The 2019 rankings include 41 of today’s most popular diets. New to the list this year is the Nordic Diet, a plant-heavy eating plan that incorporates Scandinavian traditions and ranked 9th best overall. Here’s how the rest of the rankings shook out this year, and what experts have to say about the good, the bad, and the trendy. (Here’s a hint: They’re still not crazy about keto.)

Best overall diets
For the last eight years, the DASH Diet (which stands for Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension) has been ranked the best overall diet by U.S. News. Last year it tied for first with the Mediterranean Diet, and this year it’s been bumped to No. 2 for the first time.
U.S. News’s panel of experts noted that the Mediterranean Diet earned this year’s top spot because research suggests it can help improve longevity and ward off chronic disease. The Mediterranean Diet was also ranked No. 1 in several other categories: Easiest Diet to Follow, Best Diet for Healthy Living, and Best Diet for Diabetes. It also tied with the Ornish Diet for Best Diet for Heart Health.

“The Mediterranean Diet has been studied extensively, so that’s a big part of it,” says panelist David Katz, MD, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center. But the diet—which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein—also gets top billing because it’s practical, he adds.
“This is a traditional diet of a large region of the world where people happily go to enjoy the food,” Dr. Katz tells Health. “This is very manageable; it’s not suffering, it’s not excluding things—it’s something that people and families really can do.”
The DASH Diet, now in second place, is also an excellent choice for health-conscious Americans, says Dr. Katz. Although it was designed to help lower blood pressure, the diet has also been shown to help people lower their cholesterol and lose weight, among other health benefits.
Coming in third this year is the Flexitarian Diet, which involves following a mostly vegetarian regimen and incorporating more non-meat proteins like beans, peas, and eggs. Weight Watchers—the highest ranked commercial diet—takes the fourth spot, tied with the MIND Diet, a Mediterranean-DASH hybrid plan that aims to stave off cognitive decline.

New kid on the block: What is the Nordic Diet?

U.S. News’s expert panel decided to include the Nordic Diet (also known as the New Nordic Diet) in this year’s rankings after it received considerable attention in the last year. There’s no one official Nordic Diet, but the 2017 book The Nordic Way is a good example of the diet’s basic guidelines.
Essentially, the Nordic Diet is based on 10 core concepts: eating more fruits and vegetables every day; eating more whole grains; eating more seafood; choosing high-quality meat, but less meat overall; seeking out food from wild landscapes; using organic produce whenever possible; avoiding food additives; basing more meals on seasonal produce; consuming more home-cooked food; and producing less waste.
In other words, the Nordic Diet focuses on locally sourced ingredients, avoids processed foods, and embraces “a return to relaxed meals with friends and family,” according to U.S. News’s description. These are similarities it shares with the Mediterranean Diet, Dr. Katz points out.
“In all of these places around the world where people derive the greatest benefit from their diets, people aren’t waiting around for anyone to tell them what to eat on January 1,” he says. “Even though we have new diets to evaluate every year, the ones that rank the highest are generally the oldest, most traditional ones.”
Where does the ketogenic diet rank?
One of the buzziest trends in the weight-loss world has been the ketogenic diet, a low-carb, high-fat regimen that promises fast results. People on the “keto” diet cut back on bread and sugar so that their body enters ketosis, a state in which it burns fat rather than carbohydrates.
But health experts are wary about the keto diet, and U.S. News’s rankings reflect that skepticism. For the second year, keto is at the bottom of the best diet rankings (tied with the Whole30 Diet at No. 38 out of 41), with an overall score of just 2.1 out of 5 and a “healthy” score of just 1.8 out of 5.
We have basically no evidence that this diet is consistent with human health over time,” says Dr. Katz. (Its heavy emphasis on animal protein isn’t ecologically sustainable, either, he adds.) “All of the evidence we have points toward a plant-predominant diet with an emphasis on vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds—all of the very things that the ketogenic diet avoids.”
The keto diet did jump considerably in one specific category, however: This year it tied with several other diets for No. 2 in Best Fast Weight-Loss Diets (after the HMR Diet, a commercial plan that replaces most meals with pre-packaged nutrition bars and shakes), up from No. 13 last year. “Yes, you can do this for quick weight loss,” says Dr. Katz, “but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

How the rankings are calculated

U.S. News’s Best Diets rankings are put together by a panel of nutritionists, dietary consultants, and doctors specializing in diabetes, heart health, and weight loss. Each member of the panel scored all 41 diets in seven different areas, including how easy they are to follow, how well they protect against chronic disease, and how likely it is that followers will actually lose weight and keep it off.
The rankings rely heavily on peer-reviewed clinical trials, a practice that provides both strengths and weaknesses, says Dr. Katz. On one hand, it’s good to have evidence-based data, he says—but it also means that lesser-known, non-commercialized diets may not get the attention they deserve.
For example, Weight Watchers has consistently ranked toward the top of the U.S. News list. “That may be well deserved,” says Dr. Katz, “but they have also been around longer and have more money to afford more studies, which gives them an advantage.”
Despite their limitations, these rankings are important, says Dr. Katz—especially because more than 45 million Americans embark on diets every year, and many of them are overwhelmed by constantly changing messages in the media.
“There is a range of diets here, which should be an invitation for people to go shopping among these diets, which are approved by experts, and find one that works well for themselves and their families,” he says. “The idea that there are so many variations on healthy eating is a really good thing.”